Apprecation Night For Covid-19 Frontliners







TIME: 8.00 PM


Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam Sarawakku Sayang.

1. First and foremost, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to Allah SWT for allowing us to gather here tonight at the "Appreciation Night For COVID-19 Frontliners”.

2. Special thanks to the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee in organising tonight’s event as a token of appreciation by the Sarawak Government for the frontliners, who have worked very hard and tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. The war against Covid – 19 is not over yet, though we have managed to win a few battles such as vaccinations, Movement Control Order and so on. This is made possible due to the various strategies and measures implemented during the Movement Control Order, mass vaccination, dedicated frontliners and very cooperative Rakyat put in place to control the spread of Covid-19 virus.

4. Sarawak is very lucky, we have a SDMC that function very outstanding and effective. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to the Chairman, YB Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah for his excellent leadership and outstanding human handling skills who is very firm, compose and make excellent decision to pull us through this pandemic. 

Thank you Datuk Amar.

5. I also want to thanks medical infectious disease control expert and other SDMC member who had given full support to the Chairman. 

6. For our dedicated frontliners, I on behalf of my colleagues want to express my most sincere appreciation and thanks to you all for the job well done. 

7. Your dedication and sacrifice will not forgotten and this dinner is a small token of appreciation from the Sarawak Government.

8. The dinner tonight is the additional gesture by the Sarawak Government in addition to various cash incentives and reduction of utility bills provided earlier.  

Thank you Frontliners.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

9. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to our donors. Your gesture has clearly proves the spirit of humanity in helping the less fortunate. The donations of fund, equipment and facilities had lessened the burdened of public institution is very appreciated. SDMC has received approximately RM28 million and millions worth of Personal Protective Equipment, medical equipment and other materials from a total of 127 parties which comprise of foreign government, local government, Government Link Company, corporates, NGO and individuals. 

Thank you very much to all of you. 

10. Being a responsible and caring government, the Sarawak Government has allocated a total of 300 million for SDMC operation which include the building of lab and equipment for Covid- 19. This has enabled SDMC to set up and pay for quarantine centres, vaccine purchases, medical equipment, few hospitals, medical labs and others for the smooth implementation of policy on the ground.

11. Admittedly, the painful impact of movement controls throughout the country has also affected the people of Sarawak in terms of earning and household income. Realising this, the GPS Government has stepped forward by implementing the initiative to provide financial support through the Special Aid of Sarawak Sayang (BKSS). To date, BKSS 1.0 to 9.0 has allocated RM6.7 billion in assisting various income group, individual and businesses. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

12. Pandemic Covid – 19 not only had disrupted the daily routine, it also impacted the growth of our state. However, we have put in place Post Covid – 19 Development Strategy 2030 which outline the policy and initiative to regenerate our economic growth toward achieving a develop state by 2030. 

13. I would explore various avenue including carbon economy, renewable energy such as hydrogen, frequency spectrum and other new economical frontier to be explore and to increase our revenue. 

14. The PCDS 2030 plan will encourage society to thrive based on the use of data and innovation. This initiative will create a sustainable economy, social inclusion and a conducive environment. From an economic development point of view, the Sarawak Government aims to double the economic capacity from RM 136 Billion to RM 282 Billion by 2030 with an increase of 8.0% per year. Sarawak uses creative financial modeling through revenue engineering to increase revenue to ensure a fiscal financial position.

15. For the Covid-19 initiative, I believe in the future, the use of data to improve or innovate new methods in curbing the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. Therefore, I am confident that we can realize Sarawak's aspirations by 2030 because we have good governance and fund management to continue economic growth.

Ladies and Gentleman,

16. Before I end my speech, I would like to remind everyone that our war is not over yet. We continue to pray to God with all our heart and soul, so that we can all be spared from this enemy that we cannot see with our bare eyes. Although it is at endemic phase of this disease, I would like to urge all of us to take precaution to look after yourself, your family and your friends. Let us continue to maintain good public health preventive measures. Let us all continue to work closely together in the fight to protect our loved ones.

Jaga Sarawak, Intu Sarawak.

Thank you.

Sumber dari : Sarawakku